Juan Hernandez
Director of Veterans Initiatives & Partnerships
Email: jhernandez@conet.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 206-6966
Email: jhernandez@conet.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 206-6966
A proud Mexican-American and 12-year OIF Veteran representing the U.S Air Force, Director Hernandez oversees the existing and new programming initiatives, Veteran engagement opportunities, and supportive services for the diverse military-connected community.
Through the implementation of these initiatives, he believes Veterans can succeed not only in achieving their educational goals, but also in achieving their life goals. His personal philosophy is to ensure equity and inclusion for all.
To facilitate that success, he believes it is imperative to provide resources and empower those with the highest need, as well as bridge the gap of understanding between the military and civilian communities. His favorite quote is, “Faith, determination, and a positive attitude. A positive attitude will carry you further than ability.” Unknown